Church Certification
1-Star Certification
a) Initial Consult
b) Engage in all four sessions of the Undoing Sexism course with at least 15% of regularly involved members OR 20% of key leadership.
c) Post-visit consult
2-Star Certification
a) Create/revise and approve a parental leave policy as presented in the course and publish on church website.
b) Evaluate and revise church job descriptions (clergy and lay) in relation to the gendered patterns outlined in the course. Publish these on the church website.
c) Evaluate wage inequities. Make a budgetary plan for adjustments.
d) Evaluate professional development opportunities by position. Make a plan for budgetary adjustments.
3-Star Certification
a) Develop guidelines for inclusive and equitable meetings. Make these public and a staple of church culture.
b) Create a congregational gender equity statement. Make it public.
c) Choose at least 2 liturgical components to re-imagine with gender-inclusive language.
d) Develop formal expectations around church staff’s accessibility. Make these accessible to congregants.
e) Create an inclusive recruitment plan for pastoral candidates.
4-Star Certification
a) Evaluate and revise hiring criteria based on course recommendations.
b) Develop a formal system for evaluating candidate applications that integrates DEI components.
c) Make formal hiring protocols accessible to congregants.
d) Develop a formal plan for onboarding new church staff.
5-Star Certification
a) Develop a sexual harassment policy and process. Make it public.
b) Provide resources for those who have experiences abuse or harassment.
c) Evaluate childcare accessibility for church staff and congregants. Make a plan for providing childcare at most church events.
d) At least 15% of regularly involved members OR 20% of key leadership complete a bystander intervention training.
e) At least 50% of Undoing Sexism course participants complete activities from Continuing the Shift.